The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a fact and one
of the greatest evidences that Jesus Christ is the almighty Lord of the entire
universe. The Bible speaks of hundreds of people seeing him and having fellowshiped with him after his resurrection from the dead. People knew that
he had died. His death was affirmed on the cross when a Roman soldier cut open the side of his body with a spear. The medical community would agree that when
the Roman soldier cut into Jesus’ side (John 19:34), the heart of Jesus was
punctured. It is said that water and blood flowed from Jesus’ side. Since rigor
mortis sets in after death and the body gets rigid within just a couple of
hours, we know that Jesus was physically dead. Jesus could not, of course, fake
his death. Because of Jesus’ death and his resurrection, you and I can be
confident that we also will be resurrected, by faith in Jesus.
Already in the very first years of the Christian movement, believers used the opened grave as the greatest proof that Jesus Christ indeed is the Living Son of God! He is not dead but alive, and he is now the Master of the entire universe.
Already in the very first years of the Christian movement, believers used the opened grave as the greatest proof that Jesus Christ indeed is the Living Son of God! He is not dead but alive, and he is now the Master of the entire universe.