The more mature (I think that is
the right word) I become in my Christian walk, the more obstacles seems to enter
my way of thinking. Starting out walking with God was exciting and nothing was
hard. Just simple faith in Jesus Christ as Savior which resulted in exciting visions
and dreams! Life became a cake walk! A new life that produced wisdom and more
understanding about God and His ways. I grew in maturity and soon realized that
every issue is not just black and white any longer. Life got confusing and soon
my smart thinking even was on its way to become shallow.
I have accepted this dilemma by
now. I have learnt that my heart is very deceitful. God pointed out to me that
I have to lay aside my human way of thinking and learn to think and live
according to God’s wisdom. One of the many verses from the Bible became clearer
to me.
“The heart
is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah chapter 17 verse: 9)
The more I tried to know God, the
more I begun to see my own feeble understanding. My understanding of myself and
the world around me was wurped and soon I realized that I don't even know
what's going on in my own most inner thought world. It came to a point that I even
needed professional help to try to figure who I am and why I act the way I do. I
grasped that my heart is deceitful and I individually cannot understand it.
Here is a Bible verse that helped
me, even further in my quest.
"...the word of God is alive and
active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to
dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and
attitudes of the heart."
letter to the Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12)
The solution to my
dilemma is to continually read and feed my soul with God's Word, the Bible. There
God provides tools for me to know myself. God created me individually and therefore
he knows the very hair on my white scalp and he can explain who I am and why I
am acting the way I do.!) Jesus explains it this
way in the Gospel of Luke chapter 21 verse 18
“..but not a
hair of your head will perish.”
By reading and
studying the Bible is to get to know myself and know God personally. That’s
what life is all about! This helps us to become transparent to others and to God
and to experience intimate relationships with God and others. God's Spirit cuts, divides and
lays our very intimate attitudes and motives about life bare before Him and we
start accepting our unsatisfaction and our desperate need for Him. Listen to
this verse!
"What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body
that is subject to death?" (Paul's
letter to the Romans, chapter 7 verse 24)
It is OK for me
to grow more confused and “wretched” since that brings me to a healthier spiritual
life in following Jesus. My “muddleness” brings me to God's clean heart! Not
only does God clarifies the real meo myself (with all my sins), but He gives me a strong desire
to draw closer to oness with Him.