Thursday, August 10, 2017

I run into Christians that stopped reading the Bible,mainly because of so many human interpretations that are to be found out there. Therefore, I decided to write down these thoughts to show you that you can still have confidence in your Bible reading.
I have a deep desire to understand what the Bible says. I am tired of trying to manipulate a texts’ message by interpreting it through my human limitation. I want God to be able to speak directly to me right from the text without interference of any human judgment.
Let me propose by saying that you can still read the Biblical text without  edit it by your own assumptions. You don’t have to force your own interpretation on it to understand what specific Bible passage is trying to tell you.
However, the real question is if we really will allow the Bible to speak for itself?
The real danger is to force the understanding of a Bible text by manipulated to mean what we desire it to say.
This attitude of forcing your own human understanding on the Bible text is used by many more progressive theologians. Many of us pastors have even been taught from theological seminaries to stop the Bible from speaking by itself into our lives.
I have early made a decision to be bound to the very specific Bible text. Now, I know that there are some hard issues to work through when you use this method. However, my choice is to struggle with the issue at hand. I am tired to continually adjust the of the meaning of a specific text to suit my desire or theology.
The Bible presents a systematic theology. The information of the Bible is presented as a unity. Remember that the Bible is a library of 66 books, written by approximately 40 authors during a time period of 1500 years and still there is a unity in its message.
By putting Bible passages that speak of the same issue together we can get clearer picture of what the specific text means to say. By letting Scripture be interpreted by Scripture we will receive a better comprehension of what the specific texts are all about. One passage clarifies what another passage says.
This way of using the Scripture can be called an "intra-biblical" understanding of the Bible. When you use this method you are in less need of human interpretation and relief from you being the authority of what the Bible says and what it does not say.

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