God’s Salvation is presented to you and me. Salvation is
from beginning to end God’s design and you and I have nothing to do with it. It
is only when God reveals Salvation that you and I can be rescued from bondage
of sin and spiritual death. Remember, we were the ones who tuned our backs to
God but He still provides this way to fellowship with Him! That is why we say
that we are saved by God’s Grace alone without any input by man. You find
nothing like that I religion
Our choice is to accept God's offer of or reject it. By accepting Jesus Christ
as Savior, God becomes the foundation upon where you and can start building a
Christian lifestyle and obey Him. At the time of Salvation we are “born again
from above” which means that I am born into a new spiritual family where God is
my Father and I am a child of His. Remember, it is all God’s doing!
Salvation is the first event and most essential choice
we can make in life. The second most important choice is to start obeying God.
This new Christian life is all about you and obeying God! Though
God will now, through his Holy Spirit, work in our lives it is our responsibility
is to obey his orders. This is where the Christian will start to grow strong as
a believer. All God’s resources and promises are provided for us but we need to
trust and obey them.
Yes! Through the new birth Jesus is my Savior, but, after I have become a believer Jesus is also my Lord. You cannot make Jesus Lord
before you trust Him as Savior. However, after salvation we need to start
obeying Him. This growing experience of a Christian is called “Sanctification”,
and it takes time, effort and obedience. The best is to start to grow
spiritually right away after trusting Jesus as Savior! But reality shows however,
that though we are new Christians and have all the power to grow right away, it
takes its time for us to become strong Christians.
As a believer in Jesus Christ we can now have confidence
that we have eternal life with God. Since we have a complete new righteous
nature, given by God, we are on our way to Heaven. However, it is only when we
follow and obey God’s Holy Spirit that we can have a close, satisfying and peaceful
relationship with God. Never confuse these two events of salvation and sanctification.
The first event called Salvation does not produce spiritual fruit, but the
second event called sanctification after salvation will. I encourage you to first
trust in Jesus as Savior and then right away start living for Him as your Lord!
Don’t forget to check out my website www.simplefaith.us!
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